Sun exposure, facial expressions, and the volume loss induced by natural aging can cause wrinkles, lines, sagging, and spots – overall, a less youthful appearance.
Asim’s Face Lift is a multi-faceted, non-surgical cosmetic therapy that restores your skin’s natural voluptuous brilliance. Our advanced system combines a wide array of modern aesthetic therapies to revitalize your skin with the healthy, silky-smooth radiance you desire.
Beautiful skin starts with pampering the largest organ in your body in exactly the right places. Our cutting-edge combination of modern medical innovations maximizes your comfort and aesthetics while minimizing unwanted side effects.
Asim’s non-surgical facelift defies unwanted aging effects, correcting these imperfections:
Asim’s unique facelift combines five comprehensive non-surgical procedures for total skin rejuvenation. The amount and degree of each will be customized to your needs and desires:
By synergizing these treatments, Asim’s Face Lift resurfaces and restores volume, intensifying results without invasive complicated surgeries. As with any medical procedure results will vary based on age, genetics, environmental and health factors.
These fast, convenient, and minimally invasive procedures require very little downtime, typically around 1 to 2 days.
Serious side effects are very rare. Mild side effects may occur, but they’re temporary. Many describe the after-effects as being similar to mild sunburn: redness and light swelling that will subside in a short amount of time:
If you experience any serious side effects, contact Asim Medical or seek emergency medical attention immediately.
The Asim facelift is your best choice for reversing the effects of aging, sun damage, and other skin conditions.
We offer the skin replenishment you’re dreaming of without the potential downsides of invasive traditional procedures.
By combining the most advanced aesthetic approaches with a caring, experienced, and supportive staff, Asim Medical proudly offers the very best cosmetic procedures available to restore your skin’s brilliance.
To find out how Asim Medical can help you discover a happier, lovelier you, call our specialists at (407) 456-8082, or contact Dr. Asim Rahman online by clicking here.
Asim Medical
4749 Hargrave St
Orlando, FL 32803
(407) 456-8082